Home Services

For Your Personal Computer Needs

Virus Removal

Think you have an infection? They are extremely common but are highly preventable. We use Industry leading commercial software for both our businesses and residential customers. If you’re under our antivirus, and do manage to get an infection, we clean it for free, no questions asked.

Data Recovery

PCShards takes data very seriously. We incorporate all the tools at our disposal to attempt to restore your data. Whether from failing hardware, an infection, or an accidental deletion we have options. Backups are always the best course of action, however, most data is recoverable if there isn’t one. Our data recovery is only billed if we are successful.

Maintenance & Repairs

Computer running slow? Don’t let someone talk you into buying an expensive replacement. Machines can usually be configured and upgraded to perform significantly faster.  Sometimes much faster than when they were new. Through proper maintenance and upgrades we can help you stretch the life of your investment. 

Custom Builds & Upgrades

Our custom-built workstations and gaming machines are the way to go if you’re looking to spoil yourself. Hand built, as opposed to factory line machines, are always more reliable. They are better tested and there’s no competition on performance.

On-site Home Services

We offer personalized in-home services for all your networking needs. We will set up or troubleshoot your wireless network and connect your wireless devices, saving you the time and hassle of figuring it out. We will also offer recommendations to suit your needs.